Many individuals thrown on teams have not been given the kind of skill training necessary for them to make the contributions they can. Most of the time individuals are left of "figure it out." Usually, with all of the demands, there isn't much energy or time left to develop a new skill set. These individuals are attempting to thrive in one role when they are called upon to develop the skills and perspectives needed to achieve in another role......that of team player.
Individuals present themselves on the team with their best efforts and usually desire to make a worthwhile contribution. But they are confronted with an interesting challenge: other team members are equally capable but very different in style, mindset, and approach. What was complicated, has now become doubly complex.
It is in the face of these challenges that the application TEAMOSITY was created. TEAMOSITY provides you with the tips, guidance, and analysis you need to lead or to contribute to a team effectively. On this blog, Bob Eichinger and I (founders of and creators of TEAMOSITY) will share tips, suggestions, and give illustrations to help users of the application make the most of what we hope will be like having a team coach at your finger tips.
Read about all of the TEAMOSITY attributes and benefits at
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Consider this team illustration:
The finance team’s work is well above average. Penny’s (ESTJ) management of the team is
perceived as predictable and reliable in delivering results. From senior management’s perspective, the
team does not have any stretch challenges and whether it can address a
significant business issue remains unknown.
Penny’s boss Ethan (ENTJ) ponders how to increase the capacity of team
members. On the team is Stacey (ISTJ),
Tom (ESTJ), Richard (INTJ), and Mary (ENTJ).
So What
Ethan (ENTJ) decided to use TEAMOSITY™ to both understand team
member dynamics and potential team member challenges. He learned:
His own type and that of Mary (ENTJ) typically
focuses on long term big picture issues and wants solutions to be comprehensive. He has a tendency to drive decision analysis
using data patterns and trends. It is
likely a challenge to pay attention to group process and to demonstrate
recognition of the contributions of those who are very different in approach
and style.
Penny (ESTJ) and Tom (ESTJ) are naturally
inclined to push for practical results that are repeatable and concretely
verifiable. They often face a
significant challenge when asked to think long term and to dramatically adjust
their time horizon. Envisioning alternative
paths is a stretch.
(ISTJ) presents a high need for data she can specifically utilize in her
analysis and for measurable outcomes. If identifying key trends and patterns,
generating hunches about those patterns, and
Richard (INTJ) pushes the group to look for
innovations that improve the overall methods or strategies of the team and pays
attention to patterns in data rather than the specifics.
Now What
Relying on his strengths, Jerry briefly presented specific,
concrete observations to the group about team member tendencies and asked that
the team adopt a set of guidelines for
collecting relevant data on available options and for prioritizing
criteria that will be used to facilitate
a decision.
Explore Next Steps
What would Type to Type tips suggest for Jerry to pay attention
to when communicating with Eric, Nancy, and Daniel?
What specific meeting preferences do the team members have and
how can Jerry use these trends to lead team meetings?
Consider the team needs from the perspective of each team
member. If each team member used
TEAMOSITY™ to understand their reactions and the styles of their teammates,
what key tactic would each member need to consider?
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